What to Feature on Your Author Website When Querying or Preparing to Publish

As an author, your website is one of the most powerful tools in your marketing arsenal—especially before your book is published. While it’s tempting to think you need to wait until your book is out in the world to create a vibrant online presence, the truth is that an engaging website can build anticipation and foster a loyal readership long before your book is published. 

Your homepage serves as the first impression for many potential readers, so it’s important to fill it with content that not only introduces you but also captivates and excites your audience. In this blog post, we’ll explore the essential types of content you should consider featuring on your homepage to create buzz, connect with readers, and set the stage for a successful book launch. Whether you're a debut author or a seasoned writer, these tips will help you make the most of your pre-launch website.

Here’s a list of content authors can feature on their homepage before their book is published:

  1. Author Bio: Share a compelling and personal introduction to the author, highlighting their background, writing journey, and what inspires them.
  2. Book Teaser/Coming Soon Section: Display a brief synopsis or teaser for the upcoming book. Include the expected release date and a placeholder for the cover.
  3. Newsletter Sign-Up: Encourage visitors to subscribe for updates on the book release, exclusive content, or early access to chapters.
  4. Blog or News Updates: Regularly update a blog or news section with the author's thoughts on writing, book progress, or related topics.
  5. Social Media Links: Provide links to the author’s social media profiles to connect with readers and build an online community.
  6. Contact Information: Include a simple contact form or email for readers, agents, or press inquiries.
  7. Praise/Blurbs from Beta Readers or Early Reviews: If available, feature early praise or testimonials about the book or the author’s previous work.
  8. Book Trailer or Video Message: Embed a short video where the author talks about their upcoming book, writing process, or what readers can expect.
  9. Events & Appearances: List any upcoming events, virtual readings, or book launch parties where the author will be involved.
  10. Sample Chapter or Excerpt: Offer a sneak peek of a chapter or excerpt to entice readers.
  11. Writing Journey/Behind the Scenes: Share insights into the writing or publishing process, including challenges, successes, or interesting stories related to the book.
  12. Mailing List Freebie: Provide a downloadable resource, such as a character profile, themed wallpaper, or related short story, as an incentive to join the mailing list.
  13. Book Inspiration Section: Feature images, playlists, or other elements that inspired the book to engage readers.
  14. Fan Engagement Features: Set up a poll, quiz, or interactive element related to the book's themes or characters to engage visitors.
  15. Countdown Timer: Add a countdown clock to the book’s release date to build excitement and anticipation.

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